Feel at Home Fair 2021
zo 14 mrt
We are bringing the International Community together (online) at the 14th Feel at home Fair!

Time & Location
14 mrt 2021, 11:00 – 17:00
About the Event
Come join us at The Feel at home Fair 2021! Every year, for 14 years now, this get together for all Internationals has been set up in the Town Hall of The Hague. And now - thanks to The Hague Online!!! - we can meet all the international organisations and institutions right from your own home.
Our dear DISC friend Oriana van der Sande will be hosting the Arts&Culture sessions and you get to meet 4 tellers (Lot, Oriana, Connor & Terra) and their stories and you can even chat with all of us (incl. Francine & Michael... such fun!).
Registration is FREE and can be done via the website of the fair: HERE