Sharing stories is fun and good for our soul.
At DISC we want people to get together and start sharing stories while enjoying the company & great food. This is done every 2nd and 4th Saturday at our well-known DISC Cafe's. Here you will be able to listen to some of the greatest Master Storytellers and if you want to, feel free to share your own.
We believe sharing stories is great fun and very, very good for our being. We want people to get together, sit with friends and cuddle up around a warm fireplace... or a big sofa... or in the middle of a sunny field... and start sharing some of those stories whilst enjoying some fine food & drinks.
We host
- LIVE DISC Storytelling Cafe every second Saturday of the month at 19h CET
at Het Puntje (Summer) or The Greenhouse (Fall, Winter & Spring)
- ONLINE DISC Cafe's every fourth Saturday of the month at 19h CET
on ZOOM.
for Online Cafe
The link to the Zoom Cafe's: HERE
You don't have to have Zoom to join, just click past the download on "join using browser" on the next page.
You might be needing this: Meeting ID: 929 1200 5031 & Password: 014295
We would love your help in bringing more stories into our world!
You can make a donation via THIS PAGE
Would like to share a nice story? We invite you, yes you, to share a story with us1
It can be long or short - anything you like!
Please send an email to francine.storytelling@outlook.com.